Standard Features
•Unique Field Assembled, Bottom Mounted Ventilation
System Designed to Allow Cabinets to be Flush Against a Wall or
Built into a Counter to Conserve Space
•Modern State-of-the-Art Styling
Utilizing Environmentally Safe, CFC-free R-134a Refrigerant
•Performance Rated Refrigeration System Utilizing Environmentally
Safe R-134a Refrigerant
•Unique Airflow Distribution Keeps Product at Uniformly Constant
•Easily Serviceable Back Mounted Compressor
•2" Non-CFC Polyurethane Foam Insulation
•Spring Loaded, Self-Closing Door
•Magnetic Snap-In Gasket
•3 5/8" Casters
•Heavy-Duty, Epoxy-Coated Steel Shelves
•Interior Hanging Thermometer
•Cabinet Construction Consisting of Stainless Steel Exterior &
•Non-Corrosive, Plasticized Fin Evaporator Coil
•Completely Enclosed, Vented & Removable Case Back
•Automatic, Energy Saving, Non-Electric Condensate Disposal
•Field Rehingeable doors
•Meets ADA Height Requirements
•10ft. Cord & Plug Attached
Models Available
Optional Features & Accessories
•Remote Models - R
•Additional Shelves
•Door Locks
•Electric Condensate
•Single Overshelf
•Double Overshelf
The self-contained refrigeration system is rear mounted, All materials are of top quality and are assembled under Shelves are designed for heavy-duty use with
concealed behind a removable louvered cover. Full-length rigid supervision conforming to strict quality assurance .306" diameter frame and brace members and
front air grille allows for even air circulation to condensing requirements. Case is of all metal welded construction .140" diameter fill wires spaced ¾" apart.
unit. A "Performance Rated", air-cooled, hermetically and is internally supported and braced for rigid unit con- Shelves are welded steel and epoxy-coated for a
sealed, capillary type refrigeration system is installed in struction. Exterior cabinet back and bottom are heavy durable, long, rust-free service life.
each model. Plasticized finned coil and air circulating fans gauge galvanized steel.
are contained within an easily accessible rear mounted
housing. Our unique airflow design allows the cabinet to be Cabinet design eliminates overlapping panels with raw Door shells are constructed of heavy-gauge
enclosed on both sides or to be mounted flush against a edges. Interior corners are rounded with a ¼" radius for stainless steel and are internally braced and ure-
wall. Our refrigeration system, fully charged with R-134a cleaning ease. All cabinet joints and seams are vapor- thane-foam-insulated for rigidity. Door corners
refrigerant, is designed to maintain 38° - 40° Fahrenheit tight sealed. An easily removable anti-sweat door are of welded construction and polished.
while operating with an unrestricted air supply in an ambient heater, concealed by a non-metallic, non-conductive, Replaceable snap-in door gaskets are self adjust-
temperature of 100° Fahrenheit. All condensate water is high impact thermal breaker strip, eliminates condensa- ing, heavy-duty, magnetic type. Door handles
directed to a non-electric condensate vaporizer located in tion build-up on case front.
the compressor compartment, thus no plumbing is required.
A strict quality assurance team inspects all materials and INSULATION
components to certify that each model conforms to the most All cabinet walls, top, and bottom have high density,
exacting standards. All models are performance tested for foamed-in-place, non-CFC polyurethane insulation.
a minimum of 16 hours prior to crating.
and hinges are chrome-plated and non-corrosive.
Hinges are spring loaded, heavy duty, self-clos-
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